UX Research Portfolio

Below you will find two UX Research case studies that focus on my skillset as a researcher. After selecting one of the case studies below, you will be brought to another page that details the context or problem of the research, the method(s) used, my role on the project, the deliverables, and the impact of the project.

Please note that due to the proprietary nature of certain projects, specific details or visuals of the designs tested have been withheld.

Case Studies

New Dashboard Prototype Discovery Research (4 moderated rounds of research) | Conducted at Truist

Key Study Elements: Discovery Research, Concept Testing, Preference Testing, 1:1 Interviews, Moderated, Qualitative Research, Web Research, Mobile Research

Study Blurb: Multi-round discovery research project focused on understanding what current clients and prospective clients might want or expect in a new dashboard within the banking website and mobile app.

Information Architecture, Concept, and Usability Research (6 rounds of unmoderated research) | Conducted at Kennesaw State University

Key Study Elements: Concept Testing, Preference Testing, 1:1 Interviews, Moderated, UserTesting.com, Unmoderated, Surveys, Card Sorting, Web Research, Mobile Research

Study Blurb: Multi-round research project through to understand what 7 different user groups might want or expect on a university website, understand how current content can be repurposed for more effective use, and understand information architecture changes for more efficient navigation.

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